This connection is almost primal in nature. The expression a fine line between love and hate applies here.

Intense, and sometimes uncomfortable, attraction between these two can go either way fast. Our application offers you a whole array of display options, including drawing both charts' aspects, aspects to angles, minor aspects, asteroids, detailed list of positions, aspects or interaspects, houses, etc. Venus in hard aspect (square, opposition, semi-square, or sesquiquadrate) to other person’s Pluto. There are other methods, such as composite charts, mid-space and mid-time charts, etc. These contacts are the basis on which the analysis of the couple's potential is developed. the contacts that the planets and angles in the inner wheel form with the planets and angles in the outer wheel. You experience a lot of instant attraction when you’re single and generally enter into karmic relationships. Although the trine is a favorable aspect, the combination of Venus and Pluto is so intense that it burns both partners. Venus conjunct Pluto in the natal chart means that you are naturally intense in love. Even if that happens, Pluto won’t be able to stop obsessing over Venus. most significant astrological shift taking place this year is that Pluto. If Venus has challenging aspects in the natal chart, she might try to take advantage of the Pluto person in some way, usually unsuccessfully. Then, the interaspects between the two charts, and not the natal aspects, are drawn up, i.e. With options to cast natal, synastry and composite charts, there is also the. The Synastry chart is a bi-wheel chart superimposing, or overlapping of two natal charts: the inner wheel usually pertains to the female and the outer wheel, to the male. For example, when a romantic partner's Pluto sign and placement make contact with your natal Venus, you should brace yourself.
Create your free account once and for all! Synastry connections between two people are sometimes life-changing.